1. Privacy Policy Update
    • Last Revised: Jan 23, 2024
  2. Welcome to Gopic Studio
    • In this privacy policy, we outline how Gopic Studio Entertainment and its subsidiaries (referred to as "Gopic Studio," "we," or "us") handle personal and similar data collected from Duration players.
  3. Data Collection and Processing
    • Gopic Studio currently refrains from collecting any personal data concerning Duration players. Our access and processing capabilities are limited to aggregated and anonymized player data, exempt from the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679). We do not act as the data controller for original player data managed by the relevant game platform. Should you have inquiries about personal data processing, please contact the respective platform service provider.
  4. Privacy Policy Amendments
    • Gopic Studio retains the right to modify this privacy policy periodically.
  5. Information We Collect
    • As of now, Gopic Studio does not collect or process any personal data linked to Duration players. Nonetheless, we gather the following anonymized data, not qualifying as personal data, as it is fully anonymized and cannot be attributed to any individual:
    • - Randomly generated device ID (non-traceable to individuals)
    • - Platform used for gaming
    • - Game settings associated with device ID
    • - In-game statistics and metrics of device ID
    • - Country of gameplay
  6. Basis for Data Collection and Processing
    • Since Gopic Studio does not process personal data concerning Duration players, the necessity for a legal basis in processing does not apply.
  7. Data Collection Mechanism
    • No personal data related to Duration players is collected. The aforementioned anonymized data is automatically gathered on each game platform.
  8. Usage of Data
    • Gopic Studio refrains from using any personal data linked to Duration players. The data collected serves the purpose of analyzing game functionalities and player preferences, enhancing game development processes, and improving player experiences.
  9. Data Storage Duration
    • No personal data linked to Duration players is stored. Other data is retained for as long as necessary, fulfilling analytics requirements for which the data is collected.
  10. Contact Us